
  • Guangdong FirstUnion Animation Technology Co., Ltd.

  • +86-769-2227 9238
  • 8 Shunlian Road, Wanjiang Street, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
  • Corporate Profile
  • Corporate Milestones
  • Corporate Culture
  • Our Values

    Our Core Values

        People-centric, Continuous Improvement, Result-oriented and Value Creation.

    People-centric:to respect knowledge and talents, we provide ample opportunities for employee development, and comprehensively improve the operation and management levels, as well as technical capability, through managerial, technical, and institutional innovations, so as to enhance our business vitality and cohesion;    
    Continuous Improvement: in order to minimize waste and reduce costs, we improve the effectiveness and efficiencies of our products, processes and quality management systems by enhancing the employees’ awareness of continuous improvement and continuously seeking opportunities for improvement, which benefits both customers and the Company;    
    Result-oriented: to focus on the results of operation, management, and work, the ability and attitude shown in operation, management, and daily work shall align with the requirements of the results, or otherwise there is no value and meaning.    
    Value Creation:   value serves as the key to business survival and success, as well as a basis for realization of individual value.

    Corporate Goals

    People-centric, Pragmatic, Leadership-oriented, and Systemic Operation.

    Entrepreneurial Spirit

    Mutually-beneficial Collaboration Through Vigorous Innovation.

    Our Business Philosophy

    By always focusing on customers and employees, we will realize the values of the Company and individuals in a market-oriented and service-centered manner.

    Our Mission

    We are committed to creating a safe environment for toy production as part of a healthy ecosystem for toy manufacturing. 

    We also strive to set the highest standards for ourselves so as to improve consumers’ quality of life and production conditions of toy manufacturing.  In the midst of pursuing excellence and innovation, we incorporate the latest business philosophy, technological advancements, and information technologies into our production activities, making our greatest contribution to the healthy development and safe production of toy manufacturing.

    Our Vision

    We are committed to becoming a leader in the toy manufacturing industry. 

    As a toy manufacturing hub accounting for over 70% of the global toy output, China sees an annual increase of 30%-40% in toy sales at present.  In particular, toy sales in Guangdong amount to RMB30 billion. As toy manufacturing is a traditional labor-intensive industry, coupled with increase in materials and manpower costs, accelerated appreciation of RMB, decreased export tax rebate rate, increased testing prices and higher manufacturing standards in various countries, China has witnessed a significant slowdown in toy export.

    Since 2008, the US financial market has been overshadowed and hit hard by various uncertainties as result of several incidents, including the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., acquisition of Merrill Lynch by the Bank of America, and the AIG scandal, which further made waves in the international financial market. The prolonged subprime mortgage crisis in the US has translated into a serious financial crisis of the century. With the impact of the financial crisis continuing on in the changing financial market, great uncertainties continue to loom over the world. Although the length and breadth of its impact remain unknown at present, the financial crisis has a material impact on the global real economy.

    Likewise, the highly export-dependent toy industry has unprecedentedly suffered from a blow and pressure. In the macroeconomic terms, toy manufacturing in China currently embraces an era of great transformation and development, where opportunities outweigh challenges. We shall endeavor to transform the Company into a leader among toy manufacturers by tapping into our capabilities and maintaining our advantages and competitiveness, as we continue to move forward.

    Our Concepts

    Working Concepts

    Corporate Management:  scientific management is the foundation for our development.

    Marketing:   customers represent a lifeline for our business.

    Business Management:   the future of FirstUnion is built on every order.

    Quality Control: quality is the source for our survival.

    Human Resource Management: opportunities are created to allow employees to unleash their full potential.

    Brand Management: we strive to be a leader in the toy manufacturing industry.

    After-sales Service: customers’complaints come first before customers’demands are met.

    Working Models

    Corporate Management: institutionalized management is enhanced.

    Marketing: a longstanding partnership with customers is cultivated.

    Business Management: all resources are allocated to serve the market.

    Quality Control: customer complaints will be next if quality control fails.

    Human Resource Management: reasonable and scientific incentive mechanisms shall be established.

    Brand Management: reputation maintenance starts with each colleague in each action step.

    After-sales Service: without delay, issues are addressed and responses are made to customers.

    FirstUnion Animation Technology (HK) Co., Limited

    Unit 805, 8/F, Inter-Continental Plaza, 94 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong

    Tel: (852) 2723 0135

    Fax: (852)2723 0677

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Guangdong Firstunion Animation Technology Co., Ltd.

    8 Shunlian Road, Wanjiang Street, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

    Tel: 86-769-2227 9238

    Fax: 86-769-2227 9236

    E-mail: [email protected]

    FirstUnion Animation Technology Vietnam Co., Ltd.

    No. CCN1+CCN2, Thuy Son Industrial Cluster, Thuy Son Commune, Thai Thuy District, Thai Binh Province, Vietnam

    Tel: +84- 02273-757 777

    Fax: +84- 02273-757 666

    Follow us

    Copyright ? 1989-2022 Guangdong Firstunion Animation Technology Co., Ltd.

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